May Photo A Day Challenge. May 8 A Smell You Adore

My father has always been a rose gardener.  The side garden of our home was always overflowing with roses.   He filled our home with fresh blooms daily, on the end tables, in the kitchen, dining room, wherever you looked you could see and smell roses.  To this day the smell of a rose reminds me of my childhood home and my dad.

I recently planted the flower beds around my new home and filled them with roses just like my dad.  As you approach the front door you are greeted with the unforgettable smell of the soft, sweet roses.  So now I too can adorn my home with fresh roses and fill the house with the smell I adore.  Perhaps someday my children will smell a rose and think of me just as I do my dad.

National Wishbone Day, May 6

Yellow is the official color for National Wishbone day.

Don’t just push the like button, I need you to follow my link to a very important article about National Wishbone day.

May 6 is National Wishbone day.  A dedicated to increasing awareness about the condition called Osteogenesis Imperfecta or better known as brittle bone disease.

I would like to invite you to follow this link to read an article I have written about National Wishbone day and my families personal experience with the condition.

Crazy Tennis Mom is spreading the word about Osteogenesis Imperfecta.

In Search of Spring.

I found Spring!

Spring comes with the promise of everything new.  The world is waking up from its long sleep full of life and energy.  Everywhere you look is the promise of something fresh, new and beautiful.  Spring is the innocence of a new-born baby.  Spring is the blank canvas we through our paint upon.  Spring is the potential hiding within in every one of us.  Spring is the promise of something new and wonderful!

Looking toward the sky, this is what I imagine heaven to be.

Pure and simple elegance.

Weeds are just misunderstood and misplaced flowers.

A bug party on the forsythia!

I wonder what you will become.